1. HMO Landlord Safeguarding Report £650* Further information (expands text below)
- * For up to 5 bedrooms.
The HMO Landlord Safeguarding Report will tell you how close you are to being compliant with HMO licensing regulations, and how financially efficient you are at managing your property.
- Initial phone call and email to gather basic information
- I look at your existing certificates
- I review your local council’s HMO licensing regulations
- I conduct a The Compliance Survey via Whatsapp (typically over two 1 hour sessions), with you at the property. Alternatively, I can be with you in person (in which case travel costs will apply).
- I check the results against current HMO licensing regulations.
- You receive the Report
- You receive a follow-up phone call to discuss any questions you may have.

2. The HMO Tenants Hub £1250 + Subscription £32pm Further information (expands text below)
- £200 website template
- £150 technical setup of website (domain, copying website template)
- £200 technical setup of app
- £100 technical setup of the backend (google workspace + optional chatbot)
- £600 population of the backend
Subscription Fee:
- Includes hosting of website and app plus backend and free 1 hour support per month.
Optional – Additional Support/Admin £25 ph
Optional – 1-1 coaching £100
- Over 4 x 30m sessions I show you how to use website editor and google workspace
Optional – Chatbot £20 pm

3. The HMO Management Dashboard + Subscription £1500pa or £200pm Further information (expands text below)
- This is for an individual property. Multiple properties – please call to discuss.
- Subscription includes up to 50 hours administration.
Optional – Additional Admin – £25 per hour

4. Property Manuals £1300 Further information (expands text below)
- I conduct a Property Survey via Whatsapp (typically over two 1 hour sessions), with you at the property. Alternatively, I can be with you in person (in which case travel costs will apply).
- You receive the Contractors’ Property Maintenance Manual and a Tenant’s Property Troubleshooting Manual (bound and printed plus Pdf version).